Saturday 12 December 2015

The lessons I learnt from animation and children’s movies and why they are so close to my heart

Writing has been really close to my heart and off late due to my busy schedule, in a long time, I had not had a chance to write about something close to me. When I was randomly thinking of a subject to write about, it suddenly struck me that animation and children’s movies had taught me a great deal and have always been dear to me and therefore I immediately began writing about it. Animation movies have always been close to my heart as I have always been a child at heart and therefore immensely enjoy them. Even to this date I still jump in joy when Harry Potter movies are telecast and watch them with the same enthusiasm that I used to, six years ago! This blog post is dedicated to some of the animation and children’s movies I cherish, which have been close to my heart and why have taught me very significant things.

Recently I watched ‘How to train your dragon’ and loved the movie immensely. Apart from the insanely cute dragon, ‘Toothless’ and the relationship that he and Hiccup share, there were several things that struck me. When Hiccup befriends the dragon, slowly attaches a wing to it and helps it fly, feeds it, communicates with it, learns harmless ways to deal with the dragons and eventually understands that they are after all harmless creatures too, I learnt the importance of a change of perspective; how viewing something with a biased perspective might stop us from seeing the most beautiful things around us and prevent us from learning from it. When I saw why dragons raided the land to steal food to feed the gigantic dragon, I also learnt that there is always an unknown side of the truth and before we judge anything about anybody, we need to know why individuals behave in a certain way. It was an extremely delightful movie to watch!

A week ago, I watched ‘Happy Feet’, which was another cute movie. The penguin Mumble, which was born ‘abnormal’ believes in its instinct, separates from the group and uses its unique quality to save its tribe, as an answer to being ousted from its tribe for being different and therefore being a bad omen. His unique quality is seen as ‘cool’ from a new group of penguins he meets, so the importance of perspective is highlighted here. The desire to prove himself and circumstances push him to events that enable him to save his entire species and all he does is tap dance! :) I learnt that being superstitious and doing nothing about the problem is not the solution and if your desire to solve the problem is great enough, it will help you and push you to see the truth which would not have been visible without your effort and will! I learnt that one must always follow their instincts and stop at nothing when they believe in something strongly. The only barrier is you! :)

Several months ago, I had seen ‘Frozen’ and was completely bowled over after watching the movie, which has such amazingly powerful characters and a great story, a huge change compared to the usual romantic fairy tale movies. This is one reason for which Frozen remains an all-time favourite and close to my heart movie. Both the sisters have equally powerful characters. While Elsa fights hard to hold back her powers to protect her younger sister, Anna pushes her to realise that she does not have to hold back her powers or be afraid of it and helps her to see a solution to her problem. While Elsa sees running away as the solution to the problem she faces, an impending danger to her sister that she constantly fears due to the special powers she possesses, (which is right in her perspective) Anna stands by the fact that running away is not the solution and she fights hard to push her sister to realise that she can solve her problem. What was most striking to me was the maturity that Anna displays when Elsa puts her in danger to say that her sister would never harm her, something we as humans tend to forget in the course of  our lives. For example, parents would take harsh decisions for us that might bring us sorrow. But eventually we realise that they did it for our own good. I wouldn’t say all of the decisions that parents take for us are good and work in our favour, but it’s always good to think just once why our parents took a certain decision :)

Ice Age series has been immensely cute for its own reasons. The relationship between Sid, Manny and Diego is wonderful. Each of these animals, with a completely different personality, come together and stays together. The reason I think is that they find something in the other person that they lack. Manny finds Sid’s nature extremely forthcoming and irritating in the beginning, but eventually he becomes friends with him for the same qualities that he dislikes. Both Manny and Sid distance Diego, when they find him to be a traitor. But when Diego refuses to kill the baby, they realise that Diego too has a good heart. Such small and meaningful instances bring the completely different animals together, even in difficult times! Throughout the sequels, it’s a delight to see the animals bond with each other, support and help each other :). Similarly in the movie ‘Over the hedge’, the animals that come together with the raccoon, realise that the raccoon had been using them to fetch food to feed the bear and desert him. But the raccoon shows that it too has a good heart and faces the bear by being truthful to him and honest to his friends.

Kung Fu Panda is yet another excellent movie series :) it’s funny and interesting to see how a Panda, chosen as the dragon warrior is a complete fatso, unfit to learn Kung Fu in the perspective of the Five’s and Master Shifu, challenges their thinking and proves to be The Dragon Warrior. It’s funny how Po sees solutions to his problems in his own perspective. When the dragon scroll turns out to be empty, he understand what it means and figures out that the secret to being the best is being yourself! It’s interesting to see how Master Shifu trains Po using his eating habit and sees that Po is able to learn Kung Fu and eventually takes on Tai Lung. This movie taught me that to be the best you need not be of any particular type! Anyone can break barriers and stereotypes with the right attitude and desire to be the best! :)  

The movie ‘Mathilda’ also taught me that being treated and considered different is not a bad opinion about you. It’s just how people see you and their perspective and judgment about you need not be the ultimate test of your personality. Each individual is different and there is a place for everyone in this world. People who think otherwise will understand the truth eventually. But it is indeed sad to see that being ‘different’ is seen as ‘abnormal’ until something really phenomenal happens. It makes me want to question what is ‘Normal’ itself and I realise that normal to me is not normal to someone else! By the way, Mathilda is a hilarious, insightful and a lovely movie to watch!

The anime movies from Japan have been my favourite for a while. It made me fall in love with Japanese culture and one of my greatest desires is to settle down in a village in japan, teaching school children and leading a rustic life :). My love for the culture is to such an extent that I am longing to get a Japanese word, that’s close to my heart, tattooed on my arm! Movies like My neighbor Totoro, Kiki’s delivery service, Grave of the fireflies, From up on the poppy hill, Spirited Away, Laputa Castle in the sky, Howl’s moving castle and Whisper of the heart have been my favourite movies. The children in the movie are extremely mature for their age and there is so much to learn from them as they take such mature decisions and do things that defend themselves and their families. It’s intriguing for me to see children portraying such strong characters. I have learnt so much from these movies and they have always been close to my heart :)

I save the oldest for the last. Harry Potter has been especially close to my heart not just because of the characters and the wonderful storyline, but because of the important lessons of life the movie teaches. The relationship between the three friends is shown in such a natural way, changing as they grow, with different emotions changing in time, but the underlying concern and the connection is never lost among the three friends. 

The most meaningful of friendships is one when the other person does not have to pretend or try hard to retain your friendship or please you. True friends will stay, no matter how bad the circumstances in your life are and can tolerate and understand you at your worst! Harry Potter taught me that with the support of people who truly love you, you can take on the world’s toughest challenges. I strongly feel that Harry, isolated from his supporting characters would not be as great as he is, no matter what the prophecy said about him, about killing Voldemort. He would have never killed Voldemort, without the sacrifice of his parents, the advice of Dumbledore, the protection of Snape, the timely help of his friends and Hagrid in his tough times.

There is so much to learn and understand by just looking carefully around us. Animation movies are for people of all age groups and according to me, adults should definitely watch them because in the course of living this challenging life, people become harsh and tough and train themselves and people around them to be tougher everyday. These movies remind us that we do not have to be tough or  a fighter to face life's challenges. As  L R Knost says 'It's not our job to toughen our children up to face a cruel and heartless world. It's our job to raise children who will make the world a little less cruel! :) Do enjoy these movies yourself or with children around you. I have anyways planned to watch these movies with my own children in future and relive the memories and lessons that I had learnt when I watched them. It will also be interesting to hear what children have to say about these movies! :)